jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Learning English


This year has been very good at academics field, I be able to pass the classes had slopes from the last year and in the second half managed to regain the level of my former classmates. As for the English branch, there was a big difference to last year, and all that stress and poor planning of the new curriculum would not let me time to devote to learning English and I only cared to attend classes, something completely different to what happened this year.


To begin this essay I go back to my school years, as it always caught my attention the English language and my family constantly motivated me to learning  I never knew if my level was good, but compared with my classmates, I knew much more than them.The turning point in my relationship with English was in about 1998, I practice tennis in federation, located in San Miguel, and one day two guys (americans) were at the reception trying to talk to the secretary, but not could understand nothing so I approached timidly and I played it 100% with translation, and to my surprise the Americans understood everything and me too!

To end the story of Americans in the tennis federation, once the conversation and to lease a field for a play one time, I approached them to discuss and determine whether it really could communicate in English and the second surprise of the afternoon is that the guys belonged to Cool and the Gang band, the legendary funky group and obviously taking advantage of the occasion I asked for a autograph, and left me invited to the concert they would perform that night, but unfortunately I could not go.


I think the motivation of my family since childhood and the environment in which most things have a reference to English, for example: television, movies, computers, etc. facilitated my learning and I only need to practice more, have the opportunity to talk with foreigners, and I think this is the best option to learn another language, and not overloaded with theory classes of grammars.
The advice served me and which I transmited to everyone I know is you do not expect 100% fluent in the language to start talking, nor ashamed of the pronunciation, just talk and laugh, I assure you that most of the world population if don´t understand the language, understand the smile.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Year end

We are just a few weeks of the end of the year and we almost hardly have the strength and stress can not be higher.The only thought is to end after all the classes and enjoy a well deserved vacation, but first we must make delivery of all final papers and prepare for all exams and last but not least, we must also pray that we do well to not continue a exam of second chance. All this is mixed with warm days and clear that we invite us to relax, walk, visit friends and have some fun.
As always this year happened so fast, in conclusions time, it was a nice year, I approved the branches had outstanding first half, came back to hang out with my classmates in the second half, I got an internship with a leading major physio therapist , where I hope to continue much longer and be able to project me in the field of sports therapy, also got a steady job that allowed me to pay for college and do not rely solely on bank loan.
I hope to pass all the classes this semester, to be thinking about next year as a third-year physical therapist with a solid base.Unfortunately once at end year I start looking for work again during the summer because that way I can afford my expenses next year, so I hope to enjoy a little beach with my girlfriend and recharge batteries to continue at the same rithm next year.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain

Unfortunately I could not attend the talk by Dr. Maldonado (but I had the pleasure of being in his class of brain physiology in 2009) due to a bad cold accompanied by a major headache, the stress of the final weeks of college are affecting me and causing several ailments. Also influenced the large number of tests that we had last week.With regard to our subject, the brain, I must admit that one of the matters to cost me more to understand and which undoubtedly represents a great challenge for me is the neuroanatomy. Trying to understand a very complex anatomical structure, is too ambitious in my opinion, a teacher told us that to understand the human brain, scientists should first create one, which so far is impossible.
Our carreer is a specialty of neurological rehabilitation, which must be one of the most complex specialties.
Continuous research each day brings more knowledge about the brain, but also to learn about the brain, we must know how it works and that's a much higher level. For neurological rehabilitation, one must know how the brain works, and on this basis create exercises to return patients to normality within the potential range.
I think the human brain can never be met in full and always will represent a great enigma for humanity. To think that we only occupy a small percentage and that part we can not control his work, leads me to think that the challenge of science should be directed to how we can increase the percentage of brain used

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Abortion Class

The class of Dr. Lorraine at first seemed a bit boring, and to consider the class was too focused on midwifery career. When  advance the development of the class, my thoughts shift to the class was focused on women. It cost me a little bit to concentrate in class because the doctor spoke very low for being cold.
Unfortunately this week we had a big test and several group presentations that affected the care put into the class, lack of sleep I feel to promote the desconcentration.
I think we dont´t took advantage the presence of the doctor from Sweden, but with more practical and willing to dare, I bet the next session participation will be more active in class.
Specifically in the topics covered in class, the most important for me was the difference between genders and how to combat inequality. I believe this issue has evolutionated bit a bit  gradually diminishing differences, but unfortunately we have much to learn and move on, as it said the Swedish doctor in her country several problems were solved long time ago. Although we also pointed out that in his country, there are still some problems and most very closely of us in our country.
I think it will take many more years to achieve a real advance in terms of gender equality, as it is an issue that has no real importance, and until there is a debate, never achieve serious progress.
The debate should arise in all areas possible and not just work or academic level, I think it should be important in school and know that the children also can provide their vision.


sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

Dealing with Stress

Stress is one of the biggest problems currently exist today and could be considered a disease that affects the majority of the population, and even today is affecting the pediatric population. Item unthinkable several years ago because the disease according to my grandparents did not exist and everything is solved with a good shook up ... hahahaThe great cause of stress I could say it is due to working conditions, which in our cases is extrapolated to college conditions as the existing global system is only concerned with productivity and is leaving aside issues such as quantity and quality of work .
Biologically speaking, in situations of stress is secreted a hormone called cortisol, whose main characteristic is to be proteolytic, meaning that breaks down proteins in our body, so large amounts of cortisol secreted could generate large damages . This hormone is secreted by the suprarrenal gland.The most common symptom of stress is the weakness and headache, it generates a general tiredness and boring.
The general recommendation for people who are under periods of stress, is to take a good rest, to share with family and recreation, to escape the routine and obviously physical activity. Note that stress is one of the cheaper diseases and their remedies are in the reach of the hand. In simple words, I would recommend to all people who suffer stress that enjoy life, simple things that also generates happiness, which in public places can make physical activity. In fact, writing a blog is a way to release tension and don´t produce stress.

sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010

Contraception Emergency

Emergency contraception should be freely available to all people and should also be delivered for free, that's what I think. While there are many individuals and entities against, especially to consider abortion and this will be a subject of never-ending.My opinion is that as a society we should not choose for another person, each one is capable of making his own decisions, based on their values, which are sometimes not the same as those of society or are unfortunately not represented. The view of Dr. Valenzuela noted the ability to use levonorgestrel, even several days after fertilization, but the issue of substance, I believe, is the information that must be given to all persons without discrimination, and we as agents health assets, should be the main actors for information regarding issues of sexuality.
While Dr. Croxato repairs in many errors inailable in both consulting rooms as in clinics, not just be a privilege for those who can pay for this medicine. 
Anyway we should not stop dreaming of a world which no longer a need to use levonorgestrel, and that sexual crimes would not exist and th the analysis do not consider Dr. Valenzuela, I don`t believe that these errors represent a different point of view that we all have it, emergency contraception should be delivered and should be ave entire population has access to information about sexuality and abortion is no longer a subject.While it is a utopian point of view I think it is not impossible and our mission is to point toward that goal, not concerned only to cure or heal, also to prevent and promote.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

My Favorite Dessert

 my favorite dessert is the icecream. Since childhood, when I accompanied to my mother to different places with the only condition of buy me something. I always request a icecream. My favorite flavor's are the rare and unusuals flavors, I don't like order always the same icecream, obviously i had my dear flavor's like cinnamon, melon and watermelon. but usually I looking for new stores of icecream in the city wich offer new flavors. One of my favorite store is "Yogen Fruz"  this store mix yogurht with natural fruit, each one can choose between natural yogurht and chocolate yogurht also between sugar or "manjar", the result of all this is a delicious icecream and apart a healthy food. Another of my favorite store is the "emporio la rosa" in this place are the most varied list of flavors in all the city. I try alway go to this store because constantly is change the flavor and always surprise with something new and rare. In this place I ve tasted rose, ulmo honey, green te, "mote con huesillos", chocolate and pepper uuffff a lot of flavors all extremely delicious. Now I invite my mother to a icecream, returning her all the icecreams purchased in my childhood and take advantage of looking for new store and flavor's, because like me, the favorite dessert of my mother is the icecream.
Now i looking for sugar avocado flavor, my grandmother tell me when she traveled to brazil, she tasted this flavor, so a try to find it and I think where is, only I have to wait a sunny day and nice company to go.